Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Don't Look Before You Leap...PRAY!

Wow.  I have such sweet friends.  I already knew I did, but I got a FB message asking if everything was ok since I hadn't blogged.  So sweet.

Yes, we're all alive and kicking.  We're working on our relationships with God, finishing up school, trading cars, gearing up for our Disney our vacation, losing a cell phone, and, well, other things.  Things I can't write about yet.  Things that will impact our family.  Things that could be so stinkin' good.  But things I can't share about yet.  (I know, I know, you hate me.)

One thing I CAN share is that God so abundantly spoils me.  Last night, in a moment of desperation, I cried out to Him.  I begged him to reveal His plan.  To show us EXACTLY the path He wants for us.  We're idiots, we need it in black and white.  I often joke that I wish He'd just send me an email or text.

Well, email was His communication tool today.  This morning, while at school, I got an email that made me sit right up and pay attention.  This email includes some of that secret info, but lest you be confused, it was the answer I needed.  Because of what will happen as a result of this email, our path has been perfectly laid out.

Then, just because I am thick in the head, I read a blog post that cemented what He was saying.  Yes, friends, God uses blogs to speak to us. 

God didn't have to answer me.  He didn't have to make His answer so abundantly clear and answer so abundantly fast.  But God is good like that.  Every single time I have been at the end of my anguish...yelling for Abba, my Father, to answer...He does.  Not one minute sooner, but right when I need it most.  Kairos...His QUALITY of time.  Not quantity.  I don't deserve His love.

Sorry for being so cryptic.  Just know, we are at the height of all the chaos that will be this summer.  Pray for us if we come to mind.  Pray we're good stewards of what He's blessing us with.  Pray for guidance and direction.  And pray that we are diligent to thank Him for His blessings.

By the way...the cutie with the short hair is ABBY!  She wanted it cut, so we did it.  And she looks ADORABLE.  Everyone says they can tell them apart now!  It's too bad I'm at school and don't have a forward facing picture to show you.  I'm sorry!



Lauren said...

So I am DYING to know more, and I know that you will fill me in when you can! I have a feeling though, based on our last conversation, and I have been praying for you since then! Glad to know that everything is okay, albeit crazy, in your life right now!

The Thomasson's said...

You are so ornery! LOL! Can't wait to hear your news.Crazy time isn't it. The last couple weeks of school has just been crazy time!

Chris and Sarah said...

I am super excited God finally gave you an answer!!!

PS you need to go sign up for the giveaway I posted tonight because the girls would LOVE it!