Ok, if you take offense by the title of this post you are obviously not Glenn Beck fans. For those of you who do not know who Glenn Beck is, he is a conservative radio talk show host (and also has a show on CNN Headline News at 7 & 9 every night). For more info, check out his website @ http://www.glennbeck.com/home/index.shtml.
Now that you are up to speed, I will tell you why I am posting about Glenn Beck. Rett, Kristy, Richie and I traveled to Columbus, OH Friday night to see Glenn's stage show. The stage show is called the "Inconvenient Tour", poking fun at Al Gore's "The Inconvenient Truth". Needless to say it was GREAT!!!! Richie and Rett were not too thrilled about the whole thing, Kristy and I are the nerds that listen to talk radio. But once he came out, we all laughed for about 2 solid hours. It was great. No bad language, just real life situations told in a hilarious fashion.
After we ate we walked back to the theater. We had perfect timing. We waited about 1 minute and they let us in for the show. We had decent seats (well, if you like really high places you could call them decent). Regardless, we had a great time.
AND THEN, when we were making our way out of the parking garage after the show we saw Glenn getting in a SUV and they pulled up RIGHT BEHIND US!!!! He pointed at Rett and Kristy (who were in backseat of the car waving at him). Cool stuff!! Richie thought the coolest thing was that we parked for free (not sure how that happened, but that was icing on the cake).
If Glenn ever comes to a city near you, you must go see him. In the mean time, catch his radio show on 930 am from 10-12:00 every day or his TV show on CNN Headline News.
Got Milk?
Here is a photo of Kristy sharing in the excitement.
hey Tony! good job on your trip. glad ya"all had a great time,, and going with Kristy and Richie I know you would. You write a pretty good page too. You and Rett needs to go in the business together , writing and grapics, cause i know you are also a great artist. Keep writing both of you and i will keep reading. as always Retts Mom.
Awwwww yeah! We had a BLAST with you guys at the show! Let's make plans for the Christmas show!
Free parking rocks, I don't care who you are!
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